The Broke Girl Blog


Hey guys!


Recently I came down with a sinus infection and got thrown on a hefty dose of penicillin. I know, this seems to have nothing useful to add to a recipe about sugar-free yogurt parfaits but here’s the link- antibiotics can do a number on your tummy health. Greek yogurt (or any yogurt with healthy bacteria) can aid in rebalancing the healthy bacteria levels in your stomach. Also, I personally have a hard time dealing with too much refined sugar in my diet, so having natural sugars as opposed to a sugared yogurt parfait from a store is very, very important to me (even though there are SO many delicious store bought options out there).

This recipe has peaches, a raspberry coulis, granola and vanilla greek yogurt and not a grain of added sugar. I use honey to thicken the raspberry sauce and it keeps it tart, which I like, since peaches are so sweet. I used canned peach slices in water, only to find out later that I’d inadvertently added sucralose because I used canned. I’d go for frozen peaches to help avoid unwanted additives in the future if this is important to you, or fresh.


Sugar-Free Greek Yogurt Parfaits


$1.78 per serving or $7.12 for four

1 750 gram container of 0% Greek yogurt- unflavored (~2/3 of a cup per serving)- $4.57 (less at Costco)

8 Slices of peach (frozen, or one whole peach fresh)- ~$1.32

1/2 cup frozen raspberries- $0.99

8 tablespoons of granola- ~$0.24

Pantry staples- pure vanilla extract, honey


The first step to this is getting your raspberry coulis going. I take half a cup of raspberries, a generous drizzle of honey and about a quarter cup of water and set it on medium on the stove. While it heats up, I smash the raspberries to get a smoother sauce and then let it bubble until it gets thick. Once it is thicker (where you can draw a line in the bottom of the pan and have it last before re-sealing itself), I take it off the heat to cool.


Next, dump your greek yogurt into a bowl, drizzling it with about 1 tablespoon of honey and 2 tablespoons of vanilla. Mix this all together with a rubber spatula and then divide evenly amongst your bowls. If you like a sweeter yogurt or need to camouflage the greek yogurt, maybe taste test the yogurt mix to make sure it’s to your preference- I like greek yogurt and I don’t love sweetened yogurts.


Take your peaches from the can, or defrosted, or peel them- add 2 slices to each bowl, chopped up if you’ll be eating this on the go (for ease). Top with 1/4 of your cooled raspberry coulis and pop in the fridge for when you’re ready to eat! When you are ready, pop a couple tablespoons of your favorite granola over the top for a nice crunch.


What’s in your favorite yogurt parfait? How do you keep your tummy happy if you have to go on medication? I’d love to hear your tips and tricks!


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