Hey guys! I know this past year has felt awful for so many of us. For anyone who is suffering the loss of a loved one, I am so sorry for your loss. For anyone who is struggling with the loss of your normal life, I am with you and I feel your struggle. A few things have helped me this past year that I would recommend to anyone struggling with our new reality. Yes, I said new reality. Unfortunately, this isn’t going away anytime soon and our social construct may be permanently changed. It’s definitely worth our time to learn how to thrive in a world with more masks and less personal interaction, it’s like preparing for the worst and celebrating if the best comes upon us. Isolate as much as possible and have a cohort that does the same, so that you can visit with less risk when…
This year is a bit different for me. I’m in the 3rd year of my science degree, which I only recently admitted is my pre-med study plan. I’m so incredibly lucky that my family is understanding and accepting of this, because I’m working full- time and studying full-time while preparing for the MCAT. My mum has made me more meals than I like to admit, my sister has responded to more weirdo texts than is ok, and my dad has given more hugs than should be necessary for a 30- something. But yes, I am preparing to apply to medical school this year. I can’t even believe I’m saying that, and I know COVID could continue to push things back, but it’s still exciting and worth a mention. You’d expect some really intense goals then, right? Studying several hours a day, writing practice MCAT’s, GPA goals, research goals… but honestly,…
Hi guys! I’m writing this cosied into my couch watching my new fireplace burn, but I’ve been trying to write it for months. Life has changed so much since the last time I shared a personal update. The world has changed, too. Last I checked in, we had recently welcomed Georgia and said goodbye to Whiskey. At first, the three dogs did great together- confused about the missing friend, but they kept on trucking. Early in 2020, our old girl Jazz started giving us signs that she was in pain, and on March 4th we said goodbye to her as well, nine months after Whiskey. I miss them both immensely. By mid-March, the COVID-19 pandemic reached our neck of the woods and I began working from home (with my entire department doing the same) and self-isolating. I’m in a high-risk group, so I mostly only see my family, and a…
What I’m doing while self isolating!
Where have I been? Am I still blogging?
Hey guys! These past few months I’ve taken a healthy break from posting here on BGB to focus on other areas of my life, only posting about once a month. It’s been great, and here’s what I’ve been up to: October October saw my sister’s birthday, Thanksgiving and Halloween. I LOVE my sister’s birthday, and Thanksgiving (I tolerate Halloween to make my coworkers happy). October also saw the return of my favorite sport: HOCKEY. Sadly my team is struggling as per usual this year but someday soon they’re going to sort themselves out. November November was a great month! I enjoyed my birthday, a fun contract with a client and some outings with friends. But first thing’s first… my dad fixed my microwave for me early on in the month, and now I can make microwave popcorn! (And reheat leftovers). Next up was loads of fun snuggling puppies. Jazz, Whiskey…
Hey guys! It’s been a while (3 weeks!) since I’ve posted and I’m excited to be back. I’ve been busy enjoying a gorgeous summertime here, gardening, playing in the grass with puppies and enjoying a beer in the gazebo with my family most weekends. There have been a couple heat streaks here as well, which has had me sneaking off to my sister’s or my parent’s place to keep cool. And then of course, catching the flu forced some downtime for me, too. I had to take the bad with the good, though! I can’t believe I caught the flu for the second time this year which is basically unheard of for me! I’ll catch coldsdecently often in the winter since I work in a post-secondary setting and often take the bus when it’s cold out. But the flu is not something I’m used to and it knocked me right…
I’ve been getting some questions ever since my March Favorites (and some “where’s the butter” comments to my insta-stories) regarding my revamped “nutritional guidelines” (apparently it’s not a diet). Some people have noticed that I’ve appeared to have lost weight and other have just noticed that the food I’m talking about is much more healthful. My weightloss has been the result of diet changes I’ve been making (or my die-t as my mum has coined it… since it cuts out most things I love). The first thing I’d like to say is that the changes to my lifestyle are at the recommendation of a dietitian and my doctor. Everything is supervised. I track my food super closely to make sure I’m getting the right amounts of everything. Don’t be worrying about me, other than that I miss butter. I hesitated to share too much about this at first because it…
Helllloooo internet friends! First off, welcome to the newly redesigned TheBrokeGirlBlog.com! The change that you’ve been seeing since last week was a months-long labor of love finding the right user interface and doing the back end work necessary to whip this little corner of the internet into a space that can grow with me now that more people are checking out what’s going on here. Life lesson from this one: asking for help is ok, even when you could do it yourself. So what else has been going on since I last did an update post in mid-January? Well, chronologically: Dad and I volunteered at our yearly event supporting a youth robotics group. I love the opportunity to pitch in at an event that encourages our youth to consider careers in science, computing, engineering and applied trades. It’s ultra-cool that it’s held at my work! If you didn’t see me…
Hi Guys! Happy Friday! Today felt like a great day to do a Life Lately post since so much has happened in the past seven weeks. Firstly, I chopped my hair off in late November and it’s been super fun playing with it shorter. I waffle on keeping it this length versus growing it back out, but my general dislike of my hair touching me will probably lead to me growing it back out eventually- I just love how fun short hair is. Next item, I hosted a super fun “Friendsgiving”/Holiday Dinner with some of my friends and it was great to all hang out together! That night I also discovered a water issue in my garage that set into motion a BUNCH of things that sort of took over December, but thank God for good friends and especially my dad, who helped me troubleshoot and clean up what was…