The Broke Girl Blog



Hey Guys! I wanted to share a quick take on some things I’ve been loving so far this summer! The summertime is always a fun time for me, full of gazebo nights at my parents place, pared down makeup, fun summer fashion and loads of time out in the sunshine. I recorded a Youtube Video (subscribe here) talking all about my favorites! Check the video out below. These are the exact shorts I was mentioning. You can read all about the health benefits of dried apricots here. If you want to check out Em Sheldon’s content, you can check out her Instagram, Youtube and Twitter in addition to her blog! What are your favorites for the summer months?

Hellloooo! Today I’m back with my favorites from the month of March, only about halfway through April. I debated on finishing this video and post since while these are FAVORITES, I’m also at least 2 weeks late! Life has been pretty busy. But so many of these items are new to me, or never mentioned before on this blog that I felt like it was really still worth putting this post up to share my favorites. Skincare: Recently I’ve been using a combination of this Biotherm serum and a Biotherm night cream to combat my ridiculously dry skin. I love the combo because it’s starting to breathe some light back into my sad and angry skin which is so appreciated. My night cream is no longer available, but I’d love to try this one! Haircare: I’ve been loving the Big Sexy Hair Weather Proof spray! It’s meant to protect your…

Hey Guys! I wanted to try something new and record a video for a post, and I thought a monthly favorites post would be great to test it out on. I tried to record this about a week ago and it was a miserable failure, so I recorded and uploaded to Youtube a second attempt which didn’t upload well (choppy), so here I am a bit (lot) late with a third attempt! Beauty and Skincare: Cerave Bioderma True Match Smashbox Household Items: Egg Carton (different) Egg Carton (exact) French Press (Similar) Clothing: Black Dress (similar, also Le Chateau and Canadian made) Joe Fresh two layer top (exact) Lastly, my book for the month! Please remember that if you buy this book, a copy goes to someone who is economically disadvantaged so please, please check out ALSO, if you are in a tight place financially, you can DOWNLOAD the…