February 2017 Favorites!

Hey guys!

Another month has passed, and I had some super fun favorites! Not a whole bunch of things, but a few that I have really loved. As a side note, I had this video edited all nicely with titles and the like and… when it uploaded, they disappeared. I clearly need to start editing in a new program. Sorry! Instead you get random clips of me drinking and swearing. Not the worst, right?


Oikos Yogurt


These snack sized “dessert” yogurts have been amazing! I often crave something sweet at night or am hungry after getting home from my periodic evening job. These greek yogurts fix both of those issues! And the portion control helps me not overeat.

Wholly Guacamole Minis


Ok. These are amazing! I know loads of people would love these for a quick snack with chips dunked right in the package, and yes, I’ve done that too! But how I really love to use these is spread over toast with a hard boiled egg sliced on top. It’s a super easy breakfast that I can meal prep up a few days in advance in baggies and take to work with me. It’s just as delicious at home with a fried egg, too!


Dynamite pants


These pants have been a major life saver this past month! They’re comfortable, made out of dress material, but cuffed at the ankle to avoid them getting dirty when I’m walking around campus. They look super cute with a sweater or a tucked-in button up.

No Champagne No Gain Sweater

This sweater by Brunette the Label is a favorite of mine. Not only does it have a funny saying on it, but it’s cute, comfortable and designed by Canadians. Nobody needs anything else, right?


It’s been a minimal month for me on makeup, my skin is trying to peel from the cold and dry weather so it’s been a lot of days of concealer, light lipstick and mascara.


Marc Jacobs Mascara


Bare Minerals Lipstick



The Pioneer Woman Cooks: Dinnertime also check her out on her blog!:

Favorite People:


Katey McFarlan over at Chronicles of Frivolity– I have SO been loving watching her journey from single girl, to engaged, to married and NOW a new mom! Katey has a way of brightening every morning for me, I read her posts on the bus on the way into work and she has the BEST attitude and a sunny disposition that helps me start my day off right.

Caseysun2 (1 of 1)-4 (2)

Casey Holmes of the Casey Holmes Youtube Channel (and she also has a blog!)- I love all of Casey’s videos (even though our makeup and skincare needs could not be further from similar) but especially how she is a great example of work ethic for young, entrepreneurial women. She recently had a collaboration come out with Smashbox and it seems like girl is allllways working. I really respect that and am always so happy when I see her excited about an accomplishment.

That is all! What did you love this month? Let me know in the comments!

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