I’ve been getting some questions ever since my March Favorites (and some “where’s the butter” comments to my insta-stories) regarding my revamped “nutritional guidelines” (apparently it’s not a diet). Some people have noticed that I’ve appeared to have lost weight and other have just noticed that the food I’m talking about is much more healthful. My weightloss has been the result of diet changes I’ve been making (or my die-t as my mum has coined it… since it cuts out most things I love). The first thing I’d like to say is that the changes to my lifestyle are at the recommendation of a dietitian and my doctor. Everything is supervised. I track my food super closely to make sure I’m getting the right amounts of everything. Don’t be worrying about me, other than that I miss butter. I hesitated to share too much about this at first because it…
Hey guys, So today is the start of a new series on The Broke Girl Blog, one that is probably overdue but I just wasn’t ready to pursue it yet. It’s funny how you can come up with any excuse possible to not focus on your fitness a bit, and I think I’ve come up with them all. Here’s the thing, the totally honest thing: I’m an average human. Not fit, not deeply overweight, but somewhere in between. These days, though, it’s inching towards the overweight category. I know my mom is somewhere groaning, disagreeing with this but she’s bias and my work clothes (which mostly no longer fit) do not have any particular bias towards me. They just are the size they are, the size that’s being changed is my body. A decade ago, I was fit. I had an eight-pack and probably pretty low body fat with that…