I’ve been getting some questions ever since my March Favorites (and some “where’s the butter” comments to my insta-stories) regarding my revamped “nutritional guidelines” (apparently it’s not a diet). Some people have noticed that I’ve appeared to have lost weight and other have just noticed that the food I’m talking about is much more healthful. My weightloss has been the result of diet changes I’ve been making (or my die-t as my mum has coined it… since it cuts out most things I love). The first thing I’d like to say is that the changes to my lifestyle are at the recommendation of a dietitian and my doctor. Everything is supervised. I track my food super closely to make sure I’m getting the right amounts of everything. Don’t be worrying about me, other than that I miss butter. I hesitated to share too much about this at first because it…
Hellloooo! Today I’m back with my favorites from the month of March, only about halfway through April. I debated on finishing this video and post since while these are FAVORITES, I’m also at least 2 weeks late! Life has been pretty busy. But so many of these items are new to me, or never mentioned before on this blog that I felt like it was really still worth putting this post up to share my favorites. Skincare: Recently I’ve been using a combination of this Biotherm serum and a Biotherm night cream to combat my ridiculously dry skin. I love the combo because it’s starting to breathe some light back into my sad and angry skin which is so appreciated. My night cream is no longer available, but I’d love to try this one! Haircare: I’ve been loving the Big Sexy Hair Weather Proof spray! It’s meant to protect your…