The Broke Girl Blog



I’ve been getting some questions ever since my March Favorites (and some “where’s the butter” comments to my insta-stories) regarding my revamped “nutritional guidelines” (apparently it’s not a diet). Some people have noticed that I’ve appeared to have lost weight and other have just noticed that the food I’m talking about is much more healthful. My weightloss has been the result of diet changes I’ve been making (or my die-t as my mum has coined it… since it cuts out most things I love). The first thing I’d like to say is that the changes to my lifestyle are at the recommendation of a dietitian and my doctor. Everything is supervised. I track my food super closely to make sure I’m getting the right amounts of everything. Don’t be worrying about me, other than that I miss butter. I hesitated to share too much about this at first because it…

Hey guys! Welcome to the first food post I’ve worked on since I got told I needed to eat differently- Salmon Cake Salad. I’d been struggling a bit with what to eat and how to eat after being told my diet could help control symptoms of inflammation (more about what’s been going on for me in an upcoming post), but these salmon cakes and the accompanying salad was the first time I sat down and ate and felt like “Ok, this is going to be ok.” For me, food is a major source of joy. There’s a food for every situation and you can celebrate with food, comfort with food, gift with food and receive love with food… It’s the best. So being told no butter, no refined wheat, cut the fat, etc etc was NOT something I wanted to hear. I love butter and pasta. And steak. This salmon…

Dieting, or making major life changes to be healthier, can be difficult enough to begin with. Add in that it can be isolating because often we make poor food choices when gathering as a group, and suddenly becoming healthier can become very lonely. One of my very best friends has been on a health and fitness journey for over a year (check her out over at Life as Alyx, she posts some of her healthy recipes there!) so when I ask her over it’s usually her “cheat” meal, but even so I try to provide her with options to make it a bit more healthy for her. I support you, so that means I support your goals, too, right? Recently she came and visited with another friend of ours and we were having a “celebration” dinner of sorts. I wanted to serve something decadent, festive and fun- but I…