


Recently I was so bored that I told my mom that I was going to clean my baseboards. Yes. While this is a totally productive way to channel boredom, I truly try to clean on a schedule now that I live alone. I have a roommate/renter, but she won’t really tell me, “Hey, the vents need cleaned”. Little things that you don’t conscientiously notice end up compounding into a gross “My guests must think I’m a heathen!” moments. When I moved into this house, my mum and I spent a lot of time talking about what cleaners were necessary and which were merely ‘nice to haves’. Have you ever noticed how ridiculously expensive cleaners are!? Thankfully, the most often used cleaner in my house is now vinegar, which is good because I’m an overzealous weirdo with sanitizing things and vinegarabottom of this post is my cleaners shopping list- you may…

Hi All, It’s an odd world, setting up a new blog so I thought it was worth explaining what the Broke Girl Blog is all about. A couple months ago, my former fiance and I set out to find a place to live. Through a stroke of genius and generosity my parents were able to figure out a way for us to purchase a home and start building equity, rather than our original plan to rent. Fast forward to mid-August 2015… my fiance and I end things. The house is still on the way, just in my name only. What was originally going to be comfortably tight and sustainable with 2 people is now less-comfortable and lagged along by little ol’ me. Life goes on, and a good opportunity is a good opportunity. My home will be ready on September 29th and this is a chronicle of how I’m going…