The Broke Girl Blog

Hey guys!

I know this past year has felt awful for so many of us. For anyone who is suffering the loss of a loved one, I am so sorry for your loss. For anyone who is struggling with the loss of your normal life, I am with you and I feel your struggle.

A few things have helped me this past year that I would recommend to anyone struggling with our new reality. Yes, I said new reality. Unfortunately, this isn’t going away anytime soon and our social construct may be permanently changed. It’s definitely worth our time to learn how to thrive in a world with more masks and less personal interaction, it’s like preparing for the worst and celebrating if the best comes upon us.

  1. Isolate as much as possible and have a cohort that does the same, so that you can visit with less risk when allowed in your area. My family of 4 does this, and we’re lucky enough to have had only minor interruptions in our ability to see each other. We all work from home (in our respective homes) and only go to necessary locales that are pre-approved by the group. An example would be medical appointments. The biggest rule is honesty- anyone who isn’t knows they’ll be expelled from the pod.
  2. Have a routine. Every morning and every night at my house, I have a routine. They’re not elaborate but they build structure and give you something to look forward to. In the evening for instance, I do my skincare and turn on my diffuser after enjoying a glass of wine watching Youtube or television. In the morning I do 5 25’s- squats, situps, pushups, tricep dips and burpees. It gets my adrenaline going and that helps me be less drowsy as I take the fifteen steps from my bed to my office.
  3. Share work with your pod. My pod orders groceries together and divvies them up the next time we see each other. If someone needs help at their house, someone comes. Our family works together as a unit and any pod can do the same provided they play by the rules in #1.
  4. Move your body! Exercise has been helpful to me during the restrictions because I no longer work on campus where I can walk a bunch. I do my morning 5 25’s and also try to spend as much time as possible on my treadmill working on my cardio fitness in my down time. I have really come to enjoy listening to my textbooks while I walk or jog on my treadmill. My exercise must-haves are pretty affordable though- a kettlebell, some dumbbells, skipping rope and good training shoes. I’ve linked my recommendations below!
  5. Think about how you can help others who may have a greater struggle than you right now. Money is tight for so many of us (I had about 10k of contracts cancelled in 2020, I am with those who are adapting to different earnings situations than anticipated), but for many of us, there’s more time available than ever before. Consider planting a garden to donate to the food bank or spend time clearing out your cupboards and closets to redistribute to people with less. Shovel your neighbor’s walk and wave at strangers more than necessary. This past year has been so hard for so many, try to spread love wherever you can. Volunteer with me gardening if you can!

How are you thriving in this post-COVID world? I’d love to hear!


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