Hi guys!
I’m writing this cosied into my couch watching my new fireplace burn, but I’ve been trying to write it for months. Life has changed so much since the last time I shared a personal update. The world has changed, too.
Last I checked in, we had recently welcomed Georgia and said goodbye to Whiskey. At first, the three dogs did great together- confused about the missing friend, but they kept on trucking. Early in 2020, our old girl Jazz started giving us signs that she was in pain, and on March 4th we said goodbye to her as well, nine months after Whiskey. I miss them both immensely.
By mid-March, the COVID-19 pandemic reached our neck of the woods and I began working from home (with my entire department doing the same) and self-isolating. I’m in a high-risk group, so I mostly only see my family, and a select few others from a distance. It’s safer that way for me. And honestly it just feels like the right thing to do, too, so I don’t risk spreading anything around.
Speaking of being high risk for COVID-19 complications, this winter I found out, at THIRTY-ONE that I have some pretty wicked asthma. Who knew? Now that I’m being treated, I can tell my breathing wasn’t good. But I didn’t know any better until just recently. I’m working on a cardiovascular recovery program and hoping to be in better condition soon, and I have a bunch of hope that I’ll be doing great again soon.
I’ve been studying a lot lately. My health struggles have lead me to want to understand science and health more fully- as a result, I’m now in my third year of a bachelor of science degree. I downplay it when people inquire about my studies, but when I’m being honest, I admit it’s like I’ve found my passion. All of the building blocks of my personality- inquisitiveness, problem solving, a love of helping other people… it all feeds into this area of study. I’m taking the medical college admission test in 2021, assuming it’s available again.
The HBHouse gardens are expanding this summer. I’m excited to be partnering with a local non-profit that serves seniors to grow healthy produce that will not only nourish our elders but positively impact the bottom line of the non-profit during this difficult time. I’m really proud of this project and so excited about all of the places it can go.
Until next time, wash your hands, take care of each other and remember that all things are possible when we act like a village.
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