Hey guys!
I know a lot of people are living in relative isolation right now. I wanted to share my daily schedule as inspiration for those who are in a similar situation- living in physical isolation, working from home and trying to stay healthy and happy.
7AM: Get up, brush teeth and get dressed (let’s be real, this is pajamas to sweats). Make a latte, eat something.

8AM: Sign into work, check in with colleagues. I go through all of my emails and notes from the day before to isolate any potential items I need to bring to my team during our team meeting.
9AM: We have a team meeting pretty much daily to discuss changes and concerns.
10AM: I schedule my day out now that I know what my time sensitive priorities are. I use the Eisenhower decision making matrix (there’s even apps that help you sort your tasks this way) to assess this.
10:30AM: I take a break now. Sometimes I’ll have a call with my mom, but I always make sure I get up and leave my office in my house.
10:45AM: Back to work, I address my urgent and important items in this time

Noon: Lunchtime. I almost always make something fresh for lunch since it’s a luxury, even if it’s just guacamole toast with an egg. I’ll eat watching TV or a YouTube video so I’m not tempted to scroll work emails on my phone. My work allows for a 75 minute lunch, but I’m usually ready to get back at it before then.
1PM: Now I get to do my non-reactive work! This is usually when I’m emailing students, instructors, and doing the leg work to ensure everyone has what they need to successfully take or offer a course online. If I have spillover of questions from students from my 10:45AM block, I’ll finish those emails first.

3:30PM: This is usually when Dr. Deena Hinshaw updates Albertans about what’s gone on with COVID-19 in the last 24 hours. I’ll take a 15 minute break when she starts to speak, and pay attention to her public address. Once it gets to questions, I’ll get back to work and usually will focus on setting up course satisfaction surveys and responding to early emails from instructors and students. I’ll stay at this until anytime between 4:30 and 6:30, depending on the volume of surveys and inquiries.
4:30-6:30PM: I will almost always be done work sometime between these two time markers and will spend 30-45 minutes walking on my treadmill (it’s still quite cold in Edmonton) for some light activity. Then, I’ll head back upstairs and have a glass of wine or a beer while I get my dinner ready. Honestly… I’ve done just okay on my healthy eating while practicing physical distancing… There’s been a night or two of cheese and crackers dinners.

7PM: This is either when I’ll tidy up from the day and wash my dishes etc, or procrastinate it and have a nap on the couch. There’s really not much of an in-between. This is my real schedule guys… what’d you think I would be solving world peace or heaven forbid- organizing my closets- at night?
7:30PM: Now is a critical juncture in my evening. Am I going to read, study, or watch TV. It could be any of these, or a combination, until 10:30.
10:30PM: This is when I start getting ready for bed. It can be quick or slow, depending on if I need a shower or decide to skip washing my face. It’s fluid.
And that’s it! Surprisingly simple, normal, mundane. I think I’ll do a week in my socially isolated life vlog next week, so I’ll make a post about it if I do!
What does your schedule look like in this crazy time? Can you work from home, or are you essential services? Let me know in the comments.
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