
Healthy Snacks


Hey guys! Recently I came down with a sinus infection and got thrown on a hefty dose of penicillin. I know, this seems to have nothing useful to add to a recipe about sugar-free yogurt parfaits but here’s the link- antibiotics can do a number on your tummy health. Greek yogurt (or any yogurt with healthy bacteria) can aid in rebalancing the healthy bacteria levels in your stomach. Also, I personally have a hard time dealing with too much refined sugar in my diet, so having natural sugars as opposed to a sugared yogurt parfait from a store is very, very important to me (even though there are SO many delicious store bought options out there). This recipe has peaches, a raspberry coulis, granola and vanilla greek yogurt and not a grain of added sugar. I use honey to thicken the raspberry sauce and it keeps it tart, which…